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Importance of Chimney Maintenance

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Your chimney puts a lot of effort into making sure you and your loved ones have a dependable source of heat throughout the cooler months. However, they frequently need more maintenance than other types of heating because of how hard they work to keep your room warm. Regular cleanings not only help your chimney run more efficiently, but they also help to ensure that it’s working as safely as possible. Following are a few advantages of maintaining regular chimney cleanings:

Ensures Safety

Snow may cause chimney leaks as well as heavy cloudburst of rain. As a result of exposure to diverse weather conditions, chimney leaks happen all year long. No of the weather—rain, snow, wind, or sunshine—chimneys start to deteriorate over time. The chimney’s outside is relatively porous, which makes it easy for water to seep in and cause damage. In the summer, we frequently hear about chimney leaks caused by rain.

Because you utilize your chimney throughout the winter, fall, and spring, snow-related chimney leaks might be more challenging to find and fix in the winter. Before the summer arrives and the leaks and deterioration worsen, it is critical to remedy chimney leaks as soon as possible. We can assist in fixing your chimney leak before it results in an expensive repair.

Enhance Heating Effectiveness

A more complete and effective burn is possible if your chimney is kept clean. When this is the case, it enhances the overall warmth of your home, resulting in a cozier environment for you and your loved ones to enjoy. If your chimney is blocked, the wood you’re burning won’t get enough oxygen to burn.

When more creosote is accumulated in the chimney, your fireplace’s efficiency declines. You will need to burn more wood and other fossil fuels more frequently to remain warm as a result of the increased circulation of colder air, which lowers energy efficiency.

Prevent Chimney Fires

The possibility of a fire is one of the main risks associated with a wood-burning fireplace. The more you use your chimney, the more creosote it produces. Because creosote is quite combustible, it should be cleaned as frequently as possible. Your chimney’s liner slowly deteriorates over time as a result of the flames you burn, and even a small amount of creosote might ignite a fire. Regular chimney cleanings should always come first, regardless of the type of logs you are burning.

Benefits of Chimney Inspections

Regular chimney inspections by experts are made simpler when your chimney is clear of debris and tidy. It’s harder to access places like the damper and smoke shelf when there are excessive amounts of creosote and soot deposits present, which might make it more difficult to diagnose problems with your chimney system.

Risk Features of an Abandoned Chimney

House maintenance and owning a home go hand in hand. To keep the house in excellent condition, we have all had to complete a few projects or tasks around the house. The chimney is one component of the house that is frequently overlooked. In which is useful and important especially during cold weather.

Most homeowners are unaware that chimney maintenance is required, it is simple to neglect to perform it. It is a reliable component of the house, after all. And a lot of us have no idea how to tell whether or where our chimney is damaged.

For every home, fire safety and chimney upkeep are essential in all ways. There are several methods and processes for keeping chimneys safe and tidy, which it is our responsibility to accomplish and assist you in keeping your chimney safe. 

We have identified certain issues that may arise if you neglect the safety and sanitation of your chimney. 

The following are:

A Chimney Cap Broken or Flashing

We frequently discover broken chimney crowns and damaged flashing when conducting inspections. These issues are frequently disregarded since seeing the roof without a ladder is challenging. Your ceiling may need to have the flashing around the chimney repaired if you have leaks in it.

The chimney’s deadliest enemies are water damage and dampness. Moisture erodes construction materials and can seriously harm several components of your house, including insulation, cabinets, walls, firebox, walls and more.

If a little leak in the flashing is enabling water to enter your home, the last things you want to do is repair a part of your roof or rip down drywall. You might save spending thousands on repairs by having an expert evaluate it before the elements do severe harm. Get more information as regards to our services.

Coal-tar Creosote

Before attempting to burn in their fireplace, every homeowner should be aware of the phrase “creosote.” The smoke from burning wood in your fireplace rises up the chimney and turns into a carbon residue known as creosote. For every cord of wood you burn, this hazardous accumulation that consists of explosive tar and soot needs to be removed. In which exposure to such amounts in the environment will expose people to them. There is no proof that creosote causes asthma, however at high concentrations it could make the condition worse existing circumstances.

Furthermore, creosote will keep growing over time, which might obstruct the airway. If ignored, this obstruction might develop into a very costly job to clear. The key to preventing Creosote from becoming dangerous is awareness. Inform your family and friends about safe ways to take in the warmth and beauty of a wood-burning fire.

Deteriorating brickwork

Each brick in a brick building is positioned to support the ones next to it. If a few bricks start to fall off, the chimney as a whole may become unstable and potentially cave in. Your home’s surrounding structure may be harmed by crumbling bricks. If your chimney starts to malfunction, the boards, drywall, and structural support are all at risk.

The chance of moisture getting into locations where you DO NOT want it to be wet is another danger posed by brick and mortar deterioration. We will locate and repair deteriorating mortar and tumbling bricks so you can identify the issue before it costs thousands. Plan an annual checkup to prioritize the security of your family and your house.

Flue tiles with cracks

Your chimney flue’s clay tiles start to fracture and dry up after many years of use. To prevent flue fires, these fissures need to be fixed as quickly as feasible. The extra creosote accumulation that accumulates around the fractures is where the issue first arises. A destructive chimney fire may develop over time if a fire is not put out, cracked flue tiles are not repaired, and creosote buildup is not cleaned.

Additionally, cracked flue tiles enable moisture into the chimney, which we are aware of as causing erosion damage. Without the assistance of a professional in cleaning chimneys, it is very impossible to determine whether your tiles are broken. 

Furthermore, our crew catches all of these harmful instances during an examination. If you have any problems or concerns with your chimney or fireplace, our professionals will diagnose them and present you with the finest repair choices.

Has your chimney been examined yet this year? Our business is a specialist in chimney cleaning and is ready to assist you all the way. Contact us right away to schedule your yearly inspection and ensure that your chimney is safe and clean.

Schedule your free estimate. Call us at 832-459-3634